Friends of Woodend Mill, Mossley

  • Friends

    Friends of Woodend is a group of local residents and tenants who care for and maintain the green area to the back of Woodend Mill along the river Tame to ensure it is safe and pleasant for the wildlife and visitors. It is also enjoyed as the view through many windows and by walkers along the canal bank the passing barges on the Huddersfield canal.

  • Bees

    We regularly pick up litter, weed and keep the vegetation tidy, we also ensure that any swarming bees are safe and, if necessary, carefully collected and rehomed at the local allotments along the canal.

  • Beauty

    The area is a calm and peaceful place to enjoy the river and to make sure it remains a pleasant, shared space we keep it clean and tidy with the support of Warmco Properties.

    The Friends of Woodend are volunteers who give their time and effort for the reward of keeping the space available to anyone who visits Woodend Mill.


The friends of Woodend Mill have a plan to develop the area making it more accessible to visitors, celebrating the history of this beautiful mill and local textile tradition. At the moment it is at the planning stage and we will update details as things become possible. The development would see an old building brought back into use and reimagined as a hub of creativity for the local community to enjoy. It will promote wellbeing and provide opportunities for local children to explore and enjoy the confidence creativity can bring when mentored by committed artists, artisans and craftspeople.

We look forward to bringing you updates and opportunities to get involved. Check the blog or sign up to the Newsletter for regular updates.